I find it, I pick up. A driving force in the random collection of items that are toted with me in pockets, purses, shopping bags or fists. They become a visual insights for Collage, a path that I invite my viewers to drink up.
7th Crow
Slip $300.00
To Be or Not to Be a Scaredy Cat 12"x 14" opened 6" x 14" closed $330.00 front (does not include shipping)
Once Upon a Time 45"x 8:"x 24" $699.00 Detail
It was all Inside 32"x 16" X 7" $600.00 (does not include shipping)
One Crow
Flying on a Flower Moon 22"x22" $1200.00 (does not include shipping and handling}
I am but a Thread from my Mothers Hem $699.00 38"x 74" x2:"
I was There 24"x36" $900.00 (does not include shipping)
Light a candle Ride a horse 11X14 $360 (does not include shipping)
Images, items and ideas, seem to be the driving force throughout my work. I am always collecting them, looking for them, and wondering about them. Sometimes a work will start with the smallest of stones, a boarding pass, or a forgotten scrap of paper that happened to show up at the moment that I wanted to remember, and it becomes part of my art, its wondering and playing all part of the work its kind of like reading forgotten letters and then remembering and cataloging them in a visual vessel.